How It All Started


 私には「共感覚(シナスタジア)」と似た特殊な感覚があります。共感覚とは、文字に色が見えたり、通常では結びつかない感覚同士が繋がり合う現象のことです。専門家に見てもらったわけではないので断言することは難しいのですが、私の場合、人を見るとその人自身の「色」がわかるのです。これが HSP ( Highly Sensitive Person ) のエネルギー感知のセンサーが敏感なためなのか、それともいわゆる霊的なオーラの話なのかは分かりません。ただ、私にとってはとても自然な感覚なのです。 













EDGY VIOLET  代表 森本香奈美


The Beginning of EDGY VIOLET


I possess a unique sense that is similar to synesthesia. Synesthesia is a phenomenon where senses that normally do not connect become intertwined, such as seeing colors in letters. Though I haven’t been evaluated by a specialist, I believe that, in my case, I can see the “color” of a person when I look at them. Whether this is because of the heightened sensitivity of an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) or perhaps connected to what is commonly referred to as a spiritual aura, I cannot say for certain. But to me, it feels like a very natural sense.


Some aspects of my experience don’t fully align with the scientifically defined concept of synesthesia. For instance, when I read an email, I can sometimes feel the “weight” of the words and sense the sender’s emotions. Even in cheerful messages, I may feel an underlying heaviness. Additionally, I sometimes “smell” the sound of words when people speak, and I may also perceive their “texture” or “tactile sensation. Such sensations are by no means something extraordinary, and they may be felt to some degree by everyone.


When it comes to colors, if I see a person and close my eyes while imagining them, a vivid color that symbolizes that person appears in my mind. Sometimes, without consciously closing my eyes, I intuitively feel “this person is bright red” or “this person has a strong orange.” It’s fascinating that while some people’s colors are strong and clear, others may seem faint or unclear, and sometimes, I see two colors blending, such as blue and red, or green and yellow.


Harnessing this sense, I initially started making “charm” designs that reflect a person’s colors—like their background, hair color, or clothing—for my daughter, then expanded to making them for her friends and my own. This was the start of EDGY VIOLET.


When I shared my work on social media, I was fortunate enough to attract the attention of many people, and orders began to pour in not only from close friends but also from those who had seen my posts. This is how EDGY VIOLET took shape.


While I work as an English teacher, I have always enjoyed crafts. After a tiring day at work, I would often relax with cross-stitching or embroidery. I’m naturally good at detailed work, and having skills in gel nails, I make the tiny buttons for my felt charms using gel. I’m also good at drawing, and once, a nail design I created featuring a detailed image of the Virgin Mary was featured in an online magazine.


All these skills and experiences I have accumulated naturally came together and flowed into the creation of these charms. As I continue, I will always put my heart into each piece, weaving together the “individuality” and “love” of each person who cherishes these creations.




Founder, Kanami Morimoto